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  Part2的重要性IELTS Speaking: the importance of part 2

  Students often ask me what will happen if they do badly in part 2 of the speaking test. Is it still possible to get a high score?

  Yes, in theory, it is still possible to get a reasonably high score (maybe band 7) if you do badly in part 2, but you would need to give excellent answers in part 3. In practice, candidates rarely recover from a bad part 2; I don't remember anyone who made a mess of part 2 but suddenly did a fantastic part 3.

  My advice: You should consider part 2 as the core of your speaking test. It's your best chance to show how good your English is, and it's the examiner's best chance to listen carefully to your use of language. In fact, it's probably the point at which most examiners get a clear idea of what score to give you.

  1 理论上,如果你的PART2没说好,PART3很厉害,那么还是可能拿一个好成绩

  2 实际上,如果你PART2没说好,你基本上是很难恢复状态去说好PART3.

  3 所以我觉得口语最重要的部分是PART2,大部分考官会在PART2 大概知道要给你多少分

  雅思口语是否要用复杂句 complex structures?

  Students often worry that they need to use "complex structures" in the speaking test. But what is a complex structure?

  This website explains the difference between simple sentences, compound sentences and complex sentences. You'll notice that compound and complex sentences are much easier than they sound! I'm sure you use them all the time without realising it.

  Here's my advice: stop worrying about the need for "complex" grammar. Instead, focus on expressing your ideas well. As you explain your ideas in detail, you will naturally produce longer sentences which contain a variety of grammatical features.




  1. take notes / write keywords(做笔记 / 记录关键词)


  2. cover every point(涉及卡片上所有的问题)

  举个“栗子”:当你被要求描述一个你去过的博物馆,并且列举了以下几个问题:1. 博物馆位于哪里? 2. 对于这个博物馆,你印象最深的是什么? 3. 你去这个博物馆的原因是什么?

  当你拿到这三个问题的时候,一定要保证你 cover 到每一个问题,怎么样才能保证每个问题都不落呢?就是我下面要说的这一点。

  3. point to point as you talk(依次陈述)


  4. use personal experience or lie(陈述亲身经历 OR “撒谎”)

  当你被问到自己的亲身经历时,例如:描述一个你最喜欢的老师。当然,如果你能清楚的记得你的某位老师固然很好。也就是说,不管被问到什么问题,只要能联系到自己的亲身经历都是极好的!但是,如果你从来没有去听过音乐会,没有观看过现场的体育赛事,但卡片上就是这样的问题,你别无选择。怎么办?这种情况下,你就只能“撒谎”了,捏造一个属于你的故事,你可以 copy 你朋友曾告诉你的她的经历。在雅思考试中,没有人会在意这个故事是否是真实的,它所考察的是你驾驭语言的能力,你是否能将故事说的精彩。

  5. expand — use senses(扩展答案——调动感官)





  6. organize speech — intro, body, conclusion(组织语言——开头、主体、结尾)

  大家都知道,雅思考试 是一个标准化考试,它所考察的是考生运用语言的能力。所以,如果你所陈述的内容条理清晰、结构完整,不得高分是不可能的。与写作文同理,一个拥有开头、主体和结尾的口语答案,必然会让考官耳目一新。

  7. imagine the object, person, place(想象——事物、人物、地点)


  8. use introductoy phrases(使用引导性短语)


  I want to talk about …

  I'd like to talk about …

  I'm going to talk about …

  9. use transitions(使用承接词)



  First of all, secondly, thirdly, finally

  First, then, next, after that, finally


  10. speak loudly(声音洪亮)



  Describe an important gift you had in your childhood.

  You should say:

  what it is

  who gave it to you

  what it looks like

  and explain why it was important to you.

  The first thing the pops into my head are my cats, Topsy and Turvy. They were my little bundles of joy whilst I was growing up.

  When I was much younger I had another cat, called William. Sadly he was run over by a bus one day in front of our house. I can remember very vividly, one day I came home from school and my mum told me to look in the kitchen. I saw Topsy and Truvy and it was love at first sight. She told me when she had gone to collect them she only intended to buy one kitten, she put Topsy into the box and Turvy was mewing so loudly and scratching the box. She decided they were soul mates and couldn’t separate them.

  I have no idea what kind of cats they were, all I can tell you is that they were painfully cute. Topsy was ginger and Turvy was ginger and white. Turvy had little white patches on his paws that made it look like he was wearing mittens. Topsy was a little furrier and made him look fat. One was shy and the other more outgoing. Like all brothers, they would sometimes fight and at other times cuddle up together.

  Alas, they are no longer with us. Topsy passed away a few years ago and years finally caught up with Turvy finally as she bit the bullet last year. I knew that they would not live as long as me, but it’s still depressing to lose someone you love.



  Describe a subject you didn’t think it’s important before, but now it’s very important以前不重要,现在重要的学科

  You should say:

  what subject it was

  when you studied the subject

  why you didn't think it important before

  What do you think of it now






  Accounting is the subject that I find very interesting these days though I did not like it when I had to study it at my university level. I have finished my graduation in Computer Science major and we had Accounting part 1 and part 2 in our second year; 5th and 6th semesters. Thought Accounting was an important subject for us, I had very little interest in it. This was possibly because of my misconception that it is only important for Commerce and Business Studies students. I studied accounting subject only to pass my course and also missed few classes. Thus I failed to enter into the interesting world of accounting and that’s why disliked this subject.


  Science had always been major and I was never introduced to the accounting subject in my pre-university level. The teacher who took our accounting classes did not introduce us to the basic concept of accounting. Moreover, he went through chapters so quickly that I missed it completely. As a result, when the teacher explained the advanced concepts of accounting, I was completely lost. For all these reasons I was weak in accounting and this formed the disliking in me until the very recent time.


  Well, the reason I like accounting these days is quite interesting. After I started working as a Software Engineer in a multinational company, I worked on various projects. A year ago I was assigned to a project that required me to develop an accounting software for an Australian company. Ironically I had to study many accounting books and tutorials to understand how I should implement the concepts and calculation in this software. I also attended few training sessions organised by our office related to accounting and banking concepts. Once I understood the basic and interesting part of this subject, I actually started enjoying it a lot. The project took around 8 months to be delivered to the client and I was kind of forced to study and discuss a lot of accounting concepts during this period. Once I started understanding the fundamental concepts and its application in the real world, this subject became one of my favourite subjects.



  I did not have the idea that Health and Hygiene would be the most irritating subject to me in my earlier days. I got familiar with the subject when I was promoted to my ninth grade in a local school here in Oregon. I did not like it because of many restrictions and bindings. In fact, it did not allow me to move after my will. But now the ideas have changed and I know how important it is to follow the rules and regulations. So, now this is a favourite subject of mine and I follow its directives in my life.


  Learning a foreign language (such as French) was highly difficult to me. I was introduced to this subject when I crossed my seventh grade in a reputed school here in Spain. I could not like the subject because it appeared difficult. The pronunciation, the spelling and the tones appeared irritating to me, and often I was punished for not writing the spellings correctly. But the necessity of a second language is highly important and I feel that I made a great mistake by ignoring the French language learning course in school. A second language helps to communicate better and raises the chances of success. So, I admire the subject now.







5.雅思口语 什么样的词汇考官才喜欢?





10.雅思英语口语Part 1中最难的十话题