学习啦 > 创业指南 > 职场 > 个人简历下载 > 英文简历 > 房地产策划主管的英语简历范文


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  Name: Mr. Yu Sex: Male

  Date of Birth: 1986-11-8 marital status: unmarried

  Nationality: Chinese Folk: Han

  Height: 178CM political landscape: members

  Education: graduate of time: in July 2008

  Residence: place of residence now Jiangxi Ji'an: Shenzhen, Guangdong

  Occupational Overview / job interest

  Are engaged in the industry: real estate development, construction and engineering services (design intermediary supervision of property) is now engaged in Occupation: real estate / property type

  Level positions are: the initial positions (two years work experience) Work Experience: fresh graduates

  Current salary: a monthly salary of 3200 yuan of overseas work experience: No

  Expectations of the nature of work: part-time work in the region look forward to: Shenzhen, Guangdong, Guangzhou

  Expect to engage in the industry: look forward to engaging in Occupation: real estate appraisers

  Real Estate Development / Project Manager

  Real Estate Development / Planning Commissioner

  Commercial Real Estate Planner

  Real Estate Sales

  Salary expectations: a monthly salary of 3500 yuan到岗Time: 1 month

  Other requirements: I hope to have regular training to improve the quality of their own self-cultivation

  Self-evaluation / career goals

  Self-evaluation: on the matter to a more objective evaluation, longer than the team;

  The courage to challenge, to withstand pressure, is not afraid to endure hardship;

  Integrity and pragmatic, positive and aggressive.

  Lack of social experience, the need to strengthen training. Sophisticated temperament, approach maturity, good communication, good at teamwork;

  Sloppy people, can the overall situation;

  Integrity realistic and positive.

  Sometimes too persistent, a matter that must be done in pursuit of perfection, but are often difficult to do things.

  Career goals: five-year goal to become the technical backbone of the industry;

  The goals of the Decade, has his own company.

  Educational background

  School Name: Jiangxi Normal University (September 2004 - 2008 7 months)

  Professional Title: real estate management and development of Education: Undergraduate

  Location: Nanchang, Jiangxi Certificate: Computer secondary, English 4

  Professional Description: The Science, the basic system includes a comprehensive real estate management and development, real estate valuation, corporate governance, such as real estate management and development, real estate market analysis, Western economics, real estate appraisal, management , the project management courses

  Work experience

  Company Name: Shenzhen Georgia real estate land value assessment of the Advisory Limited (March 2008 - 2009年3月)

  Industry: real estate development, construction and engineering services (design intermediary supervision of property) the nature of the company: joint-stock enterprises Size: 50 ~ 200 Location: Shenzhen, Guangdong

  Job Title: evaluators, the project Commissioner

  Job description: to engage in one: a loan, the public, courts, mortgage, land, feasibility studies, assessment of business development loans;

  Engaged in two: the demolition project evaluation, project negotiations demolition, the steering;

  Language ability

  Grasp the extent of Language name

  English General

  Vocational skills

  Vocational skills: having market prejudge the future prospects of the industry, the refining industry on the current analysis,

  Industry on the current purchasing power, buying trends for statistical analysis.

  Training experience

  IT skills

  Skills to master the use of the name of the degree of

  Visual Fox Pro 12-month general

  Project experience

  Project name: Pinghu financial base for the demolition (Shenzhen) (July 2008 - 2009年3月)

  Project Description: demolish the volume had more than one million square meters, is an ultra-large-scale financial services

  Responsibility Description: involved in the demolition report writing, liaison




  国  籍: 中国

  目前住地: 中山 民  族: 汉族

  户 籍 地: 广西 身高体重: 162 cm 43 kg

  婚姻状况: 未婚 年  龄: 23 岁


  人才类型: 普通求职

  应聘职位: 外语类:英语、外贸/贸易专员/助理:贸易跟单、建筑/房地产/物业管理类:采购、订单处理

  工作年限: 1 职  称: 无职称

  求职类型: 全职 可到职日期: 一个星期

  月薪要求: 2000--3500 希望工作地区: 广州 佛山 深圳

  工作经历: 公司名称: 励泰皮具制造厂起止年月:2009-03 ~ 2010-03

  公司性质: 中外合资所属行业:鞋业/皮具/玩具

  担任职务: 经理助理

  工作描述: 负责公司业务销售数据账目资料的收集整理、制表,以及对其作出评估分析;跟进生产订单预测计划,安排生产排单,锻炼了条理化工作习惯,也提高了分析问题的能力;



  离职原因: 目前在职,现公司发展空间较小。


  毕业院校: 西安财经学院

  最高学历: 本科获得学位: 学士学位 毕业日期: 2009-07-01

  所学专业: 英语(经贸方向) 第二专业:

  培训经历: 起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 专 业 获得证书 证书编号

  2007-09 2008-06 西安财经学院 国际经济与贸易 国贸辅修证 2008020005


  外  语: 英语 精通

  国语水平: 精通 粤语水平: 精通



  2﹑计算机水平:通过微软授权认证的MLC高级办公自动化,对Word、Excel, PowerPoint等办公应用软件十分熟悉;






  姓 名: xuexila

  性 别: 男

  年 龄: 23岁

  婚姻状况: 未婚

  最高学历: 本科

  工作年限: 1年

  政治面貌: 共青团员

  现居城市: 南昌

  籍 贯: 江西

  联系电话: ×××××××××××

  电子邮箱: ×××@xuexila.com


  工作类型: 全职

  期望薪资: 3000-5000元

  工作地点: 南昌市

  求职行业: 文化、影视、出版 金融保险、证券、期货 汽车产业、销售维修、配件 人力资源服务、人力资源开发 建筑、房地产、装修

  求职职位: 房地产项目经理 房地产营销策划 房地产开发/策划 客户经理/主管 银行卡业务推广


  2013-07 - 2014-12 ××××××铀业有限公司 现场监理,车间技术员

  工作描述: 夏天在当监理时,主要负责协调甲方与乙方的工作,监督两方的工作质量以及验收等工作;冬天在车间当技术员时,主要负责关注并及时维护车间日常生产情况,定期整理生产数据以及编制各种工作总结上报总公司等


  2009-09 - 2013-07 东华理工大学 水文地质与工程地质 本科

  专业描述: 地下水动力学,专门水文地质学,岩土工程勘察,水文地球化学,测量学,水文地质学基础,普通地质学,综合地质学,CAD,mapgis,地基处理,基础工程,岩土力学,工程地质学







