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  Key to Exercises of Unit 1

  III. Vocabulary & Structure


  rough 2) exceeding 3) stand out 4) Witnesses 5) rejected

  6) adopted 7) flowed in 8) emerged 9) To seek out 10) (should) resolve


  1) founded in the slums of Calcutta an order that grew into an international movement.

  2) was already resolved to become a nun.

  3) what she said was without doubt a call from God

  4) more strict than in other orders because, in Mother Teresa’s view, “to be able to love the poor and know the poor we must be poor ourselves.”

  5) a familiar figure at scenes of disaster.

  IV. Banked Cloze

  J C F B O M G A N I

  V. Translation


  1) to reject a human soul in need

  2) the love and cheerfulness that permeated the wards

  3) forced her to announce her retirement

  4) giving cause for concern

  5) adopted the religious name


  1) 身着修女袍的她证明了“信仰诚,大山移”这一真理。





  1. Comprehension of the text

  NG N Y Y N Y Y

  8) eligible friends and kin

  9) gives a dozen speeches around the country

  10) have died within several days

  1) miracles 2) refused 3) grief 4) aspired 5) On behalf of

  6) sustained 7) prevail on 8) quitted 9) my sights were set on 10) advocates

  Key to Exercises of Unit 2

  III. Vocabulary & Structure


  1) numerous , diverse 2) immense , transform 3) maintain

  4) ambition 5) tremendously , crucial


  1) transferring 2) previous 3) style 4) miserable 5) unique

  6) convincing 7) notion 8) adapted 9) components 10) goals

  IV. Banked Cloze

  F I G L H B J K O M

  V. Translation


  1) take into account

  2) insists on preserving her own art concepts

  3) could be adapted slightly

  4) which are heavy with Western graphic notions

  (or) and they are heavy with Western graphic notions

  5) Living in the United States


  1) 我遇到许多巨大的挑战,使我为保持自我而努力。





  1. Comprehension of the text

  Y N Y N N NG Y

  8)physical, emotional, and social needs

  9) scored considerably higher

  10) a matter of the individual student

  1) prior to 2) moods 3) rate 4) applied to 5) effect

  6) range 7) short-term 8) motivated 9) intelligent 10) performed

  Key to Exercises of Unit 3

  Ⅲ. Vocabulary & Structure


  1) fortune 2) In a way 3) committed 4) creativity 5) make a difference

  6) on my own 7) For all 8) hooked 9) inspired 10) diagnostic 2.

  1) I stick to the idea that the inventiveness and brightness of human

  beings will turn our world into a better place.

  2) computers can also help us work out the problems that are too hard for

  even the cleverest person to overcome completely by themselves.

  3) we may also find other means to apply our inventiveness and brightness to the

  work of improving our world.

  4) have decided to devote ourselves to the cause of improving health and education

  so that it can benefit as many people as possible.

  5) children’s death in Africa is as sad as it is in other parts of the world, and it won’t

  cost much to make a great change in these children’s life.

  Ⅳ. Banked Cloze

  1. F 2. M 3. J. 4. I 5. N 6. E 7. H 8. G 9. O 10. D Ⅴ. Translation


  1) I feel particularly lucky to do something every day that I love to do.

  2) as inspired by computers as I was back in seventh grade

  3) giving kids everywhere a window into all of the world’s knowledge

  4) But for all the cool things that a person can do with a PC

  5) There are still far two many people in the world


  1) 它让有着共同兴趣的人结成团体,让我们与那些对我们而言重要的人保持密


  2) 举例来说,每年仍有成百上千万的人死于那些在发达国家易于预防和治疗的


  3) 我认为我个人所拥有的大量财富也使我负有回馈社会的责任。

  4) 我仍是一个坚定的乐观主义者,艰辛即便是世界上最难的问题都有取得进展


  5) 我相信,凭借人类与生俱来的发明创造力和敢于挑战难题的精神,在有生之


  Ⅰ. Comprehension of the Text

  1) D 2) C 3) A 4) C 5) B

  Ⅱ. Vocabulary Building

  1. assumes 2. reputation 3. Surrounded 4. consume 5. commercial

  6. sequence 7. champion 8. intense 9. claims 10. means

  Key to Exercises of Unit 7 III. Vocabulary & Structure


  1) norms 2) proof 3) viewpoint 4) inherit 5) outlook

  6) lack 7) particular 8) undertook 9) prompted 10) response


  1) were almost no different from the responses of unrelated pairs of people

  2) also studied a smaller group of identical twins who had been separated at birth and raised in different families.

  3) may also have a tendency to hide their true feelings.

  4) may be those known to control the brain chemicals serotonin and dopamine, both associated with pleasure and mood.

  5) that genetic predisposition is only part of the equation is backed up by other research.

  IV. Banked Cloze

  H L E A K B M N D J

  V. Translation


  1) half of whom were identical

  2) the underlying factors leading to happiness

  3) showed a genetic link to happiness

  4) rather than just ask them if they are happy

  5) no matter where they lived or worked


  1) 这个研究证实了相同基因与快乐感之间的关联。


  3) 人的基本个性具有生物学特征,能以一种相互作用的基因模型遗传下来。

  4) 他赞同特利根的观点,认为人们可以人为地影响快乐感。


  1. Comprehension of the text

  D B D C A

  2. Vocabulary Building

  1) predict 2) interpreted 3) characteristics 4) detail 5) flexible

  6) conservative 7) oriented 8) seeking 9) categorized 10) compatibility


