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  在平时做好每份的英语试题能有效的检查出你对知识的掌握程度!至于,要如何做练习呢?接下来,学习啦小编就和大家一起来做份外研版高三下册英语Book Module 3测试试卷,希望对大家有帮助!

  外研版高三下册英语Book Module 3测试试卷


  1. Don’t you think it _____ honour to be invited to so important _____ party like that?

  A. a; a B.不填; a C. an; 不填 D. an; a

  2. It was a bad year for films, ______ both quantity and quality.

  A. in terms of B. in case of C. as a result of D. in face of

  3. There are many bad customs and laws that ought to be ______.

  A. accumulated B. abolished C. accomplished D. abused

  4. As he has committed so many terrible crimes, he______.

  A. deserves being punished B. deserves to punish

  C. deserves punishing D. deserves to being punished

  5. Our ______ resources and stable policy provide foreigners with opportunities for their

  investing here.

  A. abundant B. absolute C. artificial D. appropriate

  6. — Peter won the first prize in the contest.

  — No _____he is so happy these days.

  A. problem B. wonder C. doubt D. possibility

  7. Could you please explain ______ that makes her so different from the others?

  A. why it is B. why is it C. what it is D. what is it

  8. — You were late for the class yesterday morning, weren’t you ?

  — Yes. ______

  A. Just so-so. B. That’s OK. C. How come? D. So what?

  9. The mountain, from ______ top visitors can enjoy a wonderful sea view, is only a stone’s

  throw from here.

  A. which B. whose C. its D. where

  10. ______is known to us all is ______ the 2008 Olympics will be held in Beijing.

  A. It; that B. What; 不填 C. As; 不填 D. What; that

  11. New technology has been introduced from abroad, thus___ in great increase in our production.

  A. resulting B. resulted C. to result D. which results

  12. The newly-founded company is faced with serious problems, ______ demand to be solved


  A. many of them B. with which C. many of which D. they all

  13. By the end of the twentieth century, the world population ______ six billion.

  A. had passed B. have passed C. passed D. has passed

  14. The doctor told him the harm of smoking and ______ him to give it up.

  A. insisted   B. persuaded   C. suggested   D. let

  15. John turned out to be _____ disappointment to us _______ he is quite fit for the job.

  A. /; although B. a; though C. the; despite D. a; despite

  二、完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

  As I sit here on the eve of my 3rd year non-smoker anniversary, I’m thinking about that last cigarette I smoked. I was sitting at the kitchen table at 10 in the 16 at home, sick with bronchitis(支气管炎) again. I felt miserable, weak and desperate. I 17 smoking that day in 2005 without any real confidence that I was smoking my 18 cigarette ever.

  Today, there’s one thing about my future that I 19 with absolute certainty: I’ll never smoke again! I know without a shadow of a 20 that I’ll never go back. I’ve changed what cigarettes 21 to me and in the process I’ve gained permanent, true 22 from the habit that held me close for 26 long years!

  Our thoughts and feelings control the 23 of our lives. It’s how we think about the experiences in our lives that 24 , not the events themselves.

  Most of us smoked for years. We 25 to think of cigarettes as a part of us, even a friend. How do we now 26 changing the meaning that has become so 27 established in our lives? There are specific steps that when 28 will help you take control and shape your thoughts in ways that 29 you. Work these techniques into your daily routine and give them some time to 30 and flourish. You’ll be surprised at the positive 31 you can create in your life.

  Anything you want to change in your life has to 32 from the should list to the must list. Most of us spent years thinking we should quit smoking. I sure did. 33 right now that quitting is a must for you. This has got to be the first step you take on the 34 to freedom. Don’t worry that you feel shaky and unsure. The steps outlined here will help you turn that 35 into strength of purpose. Make your quit a must—it’s where we all have to begin.

  16. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. night

  17. A. began B. continued C. quit D. tried

  18. A. first B. last C. hardest D. longest

  19. A. deal B. know C. regret D. start

  20. A. hope B. need C. doubt D. determination

  21. A. lead B. belong C. bring D. mean

  22. A. freedom B. health C. interest D. friendship

  23. A. content B. freedom C. quality D. happiness

  24. A. changes B. exists C. appears D. counts

  25. A. came B. used C. happened D. had

  26. A. free from B. go about C. give up D. keep on

  27. A. easily B. hardly C. firmly D. exactly

  28. A. made B. studied C. followed D. received

  29. A. harm B. hold C. inspire D. serve

  30. A. disappear B. grow C. produce D. think

  31. A. thoughts B. changes C. results D. development

  32. A. move B. range C. refer D. cycle

  33. A. Decide B. Admit C. Realize D. Consider

  34. A. right B. cost C. path D. mind

  35. A. courage B. happiness C. sadness D. shakiness