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  Finding your dream job can be difficult. This month, the search will become even harder as new graduates start looking for work. With many companies still struggling, job hunters have a very difficult task ahead of them.

  Don't be disappointed. __36__ Consider using these three methods to find and get the job of your dreams.

  The Front Door

  __37__ These include checking company websites and employment services. Since lots of people use the front door, make yourself stand out. This means understanding what a company really needs and creatively showing you can meet that need. __38__ Find out who is doing the hiring, and try to give them your resume(简历) in person. Then follow up with a phone call, letter or visit.

  The Back Door

  A back-door job search means finding a job through people you know. The back door can help you avoid the crowd of job applicants using the front door. __39__ What if you don't have any connections at your dream company? Apply for an internship(实习期).

  The Invisible Door

  If you're still not getting hired, you might be running into an invisible(无形的) door. Invisible doors are things companies want from new employees but don't list as job requirements. Many companies have special company cultures. Others are looking for people with very specific skills. __40__

  It's not always easy to find a good job. But with a little work,a door will open!

  A.Using the front door is convenient.

  B.Create your own back door.

  C.This type of job search uses traditional ways of getting hired.

  D.If you aren't showing you are a perfect fit, you won't get hired.

  E.There are still jobs out there for those who know what to look for.

  F.But you still need to work hard to show you are the best person for the job.

  G.Read about each company you apply to.

  答案:36-40 ECGFD

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)



  I like to walk with my dog. On a glorious Saturday __41__, I enjoyed the beautiful weather, the fresh air and the beautiful scenery while my dog Jett and I were making our rounds.

  At one home I __42__, I noticed a newspaper that was lying on the edge of the street __43__ near the doorstep. Thinking I would make someone else's __44__ a little easier,I decided to __45__ the paper and throw it towards their door. __46__ my aim was way off and instead of landing on the doorstep, the paper flew in the __47__ direction and landed on the roof of a truck behind me. No one saw it but me, and I burst out __48__ before I realised what I had done had made the problem __49__.

  I took a look at my watch and found it was near 5:00 am. It was too __50__ to knock on the door and __51__ the homeowner where their paper was. As a result, I walked home, got dressed and went to the __52__, which lies near my home, to make it right.

  I __53__ a little later with a new newspaper and a basket of fresh strawberries and __54__ the home-owner who was working on a truck in the driveway with some friends. With a deep breath I __55__ and said, “I hope you have a great sense of humour.” __56__, they did. After I explained what __57__ just now, they all laughed loudly and of course it really made me __58__.

  I couldn't help but smile all day. I've heard it said , “Character is what you do when no one is looking.” But, in fact, there are too many people who __59__ the only thing that's right is to get by,and the only thing that's __60__ is to get caught.

  41.A.morning B.afternoon

  C.evening D.night

  42.A.checked B.passed

  C.visited D.opened

  43.A.instead of B.but for

  C.except for D.in case of

  44.A.career B.life

  C.duty D.situation

  45.A.take away B.put away

  C.pick up D.look through

  46.A.Besides B.Therefore

  C.Otherwise D.However

  47.A.opposite B.right

  C.same D.usual

  48.A.crying B.shouting

  C.laughing D.complaining

  49.A.worse B.easier

  C.better D.stranger

  50.A.difficult B.interesting

  C.early D.stressful

  51.A.warn B.remind

  C.ask D.tell

  52.A.church B.store

  C.school D.hospital

  53.A.left B.started

  C.arrived D.returned

  54.A.found B.expected

  C.introduced D.informed

  55.A.appeared B.recovered

  C.exercised D.approached

  56.A.Strangely B.Fortunately

  C.Unusually D.Sadly

  57.A.existed B.mattered

  C.happened D.changed

  58.A.shocked B.relaxed

  C.embarrassed D.puzzled

  59.A.fear B.doubt

  C.explain D.think

  60.A.amazing B.legal

  C.wrong D.worthless


  41.A 根据下文“I took a look at my watch and found it was near 5:00 am.”可知本文叙述的是一个周六早晨发生的事。

  42.B 由作者在遛狗的语境可知我是“经过”一户人家时注意到了报纸。

  43.A 根据下文towards their door可知报纸“不在”这家的门口,but for意为“要不是”,except for意为“除了”,in case of意为“以防”,只有A项instead of有“代替”之意,与语境相符。

  44.B 帮人捡起报纸能使别人的“生活”更轻松,故应选life。

  45.C 在“throw it towards their door”之前,应该是先“捡起”报纸。

  46.D 由后文的“instead of landing on the doorstep”可知在这里是“然而,可是”之意,表示事与愿违。

  47.A 由下文的“landed on the roof of a truck behind me”可知方向是“相反的”。

  48.C 这是一件弄巧成拙的小事情,所以我忍不住“笑了”。

  49.A 由前面的叙述可知,我本想把报纸帮别人放得更近些,可事与愿违,所以是把事情弄的“更糟糕”了。

  50.C 根据“it was near 5:00 am.”可知时间尚早。

  51.D 敲门的目的自然是“告诉”主人他的报纸的去向。

  52.B 根据下文“with a new newspaper and a basket of fresh strawberries”可知我是去“商店”。

  53.D 根据后面作者找这家的主人解释整件事可知作者买完报纸后又“回去”给主人送新买的报纸。

  54.A 根据后文我与主人的对话可知我“看到”主人在干活,故应用found。

  55.D 根据语境知,作者是“走近”他们并和他们说话。

  56.B 下文的“they all laughed loudly”说明我很幸运地得到了他们的原谅。

  57.C 我解释了刚才“发生”的事,故用happened。

  58.B 一件错事得到了别人的谅解,这使得我的感觉是“放松的”。

  59.D 这里是来解释上面的“Character is what you do when no one is looking”这句话,所以是一些人“认为……”。

  60.C 本句与“that's right is to get by”相对应,“wrong”与“right”相对。



  Tom: I'm feeling very sick. I have a bad cold.

  Lucy: You __61__(be)sick quite a bit since you got here.

  Tom: Well, in the past few weeks, the weather in this city __62__(change) a lot.

  Lucy: You just haven't got used __63__ the changing climate here yet. A lot of newcomers complain about __64__ same problem.

  Tom: Really? How long have you been here, then?

  Lucy: Four years. And I almost never get sick because I'm always dressed __65__(proper) for the weather.

  Tom: I see. I guess I __66__ buy some medicine.

  Lucy: Actually, there is something you can do. There's a weather hotline you can call in the morning __67__ will tell you the temperature for the day.

  Tom: I think I've heard __68__ that hotline.

  Lucy: Maybe you can give them a call tomorrow morning and find out __69__ the weather will be like.

  Tom: No way! __70__ is very expensive.

  答案:61.have been 62.has been changing 63.to 64.the 65.properly 66.should/have to 67.that/which 68.of/about 69.what 70.It/That

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)








  I just come back from Britain last week. I was luckily enough to be one of the student from different countries to visit the UK from Feb. 16 to 28. We paid a visit to many places, like London, Oxford or the Lake District. I learned much about British culture and history in London, where was my favorite. I also liked Oxford, in which I saw much more old buildings. The Lake District was beautiful, but it was pity that it rained heavily when they were there. The most excited thing for me in the Britain was that I made a lot of friends there.


  I just comecame back from Britain last week. I was luckilylucky enough to be one of the studentstudents from different countries to visit the UK from Feb. 16 to 28. We paid a visit to many places, like London, Oxford orand the Lake District. I learned much about British culture and history in London, wherewhich was my favorite. I also liked Oxford, in which I saw muchmany more old buildings. The Lake District was beautiful, but it was ∧a pity that it rained heavily when theywe were there. The most excitedexciting thing for me in Britain was that I made a lot of friends there.




  1.你最喜欢的音乐……(favourite music)

  2.解释你为什么对某些音乐不太感兴趣。(many types of music, not interested in)

  3.阐明一、两点音乐在你生活中的重要性。(the importance of music to your life)


  Dear Lucy,

  Thanks for your letter. You asked me something about the music in my life. Let me tell you briefly.












  How about you? Write to me to tell me about music in your life. I am looking forward to it.


  Li Hua


  Dear Lucy,

  Thanks for your letter. You asked me something about the music in my life. Let me tell you briefly.

  Music is an important part in my life. I even can't live without music. Actually, I like many kinds of music. Well, my favourite music is American country music, such as Country Road. It mixes some modern melodies; it sounds very nice and pure and can bring me into dreamland. Whenever I am in trouble, I will turn on the MP5 or tape recorder and the soft melody will make me relax; the familiar songs will put me in high spirits all day long and make me forget all the problems.

  I'm not interested in rock music. I think it is too loud and very difficult for me to understand! The melody is not soft and nice at all! I can't stand the strong beat, which nearly makes me fainted!

  In a word, music has a very important place in my life. As for the importance of music to my life, I think you can guess, it is just like meals and sleeping, and I can't live without it.

  How about you? Write to me to tell me about music in your life. I am looking forward to it.


  Li Hua
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