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  四. 情景交际(每小题1分,共5分)


  Mr. Jackson: OK, listen up! Before we can enjoy ourselves on the Great Wall, there are a few r (1) and suggestions, OK?

  All: Yes, Mr. Jackson.

  Mr. Jackson: First, you must walk in the middle of the road. You mustn’t walk along the edge (边缘) because you might fall and h (2) yourself. Is that clear?

  All: Yes.

  Mr. Jackson: And you have to keep together. You mustn’t go off on your own, because you might get l (3).6

  All: OK, Mr. Jackson.

  Linda: Can we have something to eat now? I’m h (4).04

  Mr. Jackson: No, you can’t. Linda! You just had breakfast an hour ago. I think we should start now and then s (5) at noon for our picnic.

  Jim: Can we go rock climbing?

  Mr. Jackson: Yes, you can, but you must use ropes (绳子). You have to think about personal safety! And you must have the right shoes. OK, I think that’s all. Let’s start.

  五. 词汇运用(每小题1分,共5分)


  enter, educate, chance, lift, bad

  1. It’s a country which places great importance on ________.

  2. The boy ________ wants a new bike. His old one is broken.

  3. Her dream of ________ the famous university came true last year.

  4. The mother put her arms around her baby and ________ him up.

  5. Is there any ________ of getting tickets for tonight’s football match?

  六. 完成句子(每小题1分,共5分)


  1. 王杰经常和他父母顶嘴,这让他们很生气。

  Wang Jie often _________________ to his parents, which makes them angry.

  2. 该是你自己做决定的时候了。

  It’s time for you _________________.

  3. 一定不能让你的社交活动妨碍你的学习。

  Be sure not to let your social activities _________________ your studies.

  4. 我想在大学期间做几份兼职工作。

  I want to have several _________________ when I’m at college.

  5. 为了实现梦想,你必须努力工作。

  In order to _________________, you must work hard.

  七. 综合填空(每小题1分,共10分)


  close, ask, building, be used to, they, peace, but, eye, wish, store

  Emily got off the train into Penn Station with her family. She looked around at all the people rushing here, there, and everywhere. Emily hid behind her elder sister Diana and (1)________ she was back home in Pennsylvania.

  “Come on, Emily,” said Diana, leading Emily through the crowd and onto the streets of New York City.

  Emily (2)________ her eyes, trying to keep herself away from the city noise and imagine her (3)________ backyard at home with big trees and green grass.

  “Open your (4)________, silly girl. You don’t want to miss (错过) this,” said Diana.

  “Keep up, girls,” said Dad, taking Mom’s hand and leading (5)________ down the street.

  Emily slowly opened one of her eyes. People were everywhere, and the (6)________ were tall and huge. “Aren’t there any trees around here?”

  Diana laughed, “I know you like things back home. (7)________ look around — the city is fantastic. Look at all the (8)________ and the beautiful clothes.”

  Emily looked up. She (9)________ billboards (大幅广告牌) back home, but these were colorful and lively. “Where are we going?” she (10)________ her mom. Her mom and dad smiled at each other, saying it was a surprise.

  八. 书面表达(20分)









  要求:1. 短文应包括方框中的要点,但不必逐句翻译;

  2. 70词左右,短文的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。


  Welcome to our museum! Please obey the following rules.8




  Have a good time here!

  新目标初三上册英Unit 7期末复习试题参考答案

  一. 1-5 BDCAC 6-10 BACBC 11-15 DABBC

  二. 1-5 BCACB 6-10CDDAB

  三. 1-5 DDACA 6-10 BBDCA 11-15 CAEDB

  四. 1. rules 2. hurt 3. lost 4. hungry 5. stop

  五.1. education 2. badly 3. entering 4. lifted 5. chance21032

  六. 1. talks back 2. to make your own decision 3. get in the way of

  4. part-time jobs 5. achieve your dream

  七. 1. wished 2. closed 3. peaceful 4. eyes 5. them

  6. buildings 7. But 8. stores 9. was used to 10. asked

  八. One possible version:


  Welcome to our museum! Please obey the following rules.

  The museum is a quiet place, so you shouldn’t talk loudly or run. In order to keep the museum room clean, you aren’t allowed to eat snacks or smoke. What’s more, to protect the exhibits, you can’t touch them or take photos of them. Besides, you should turn off your mobile phones during your visit. Watch carefully and if you want to know more about the exhibits, please ask the tour guide.

  Have a good time here!
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