
北师大版高二英语选修8Unit 22期末检测试题

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  北师大版高二英语选修8Unit 22期末检测试题及答案


  1.The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without     his notes.

  A.bringing up       B.referring to

  C.looking for D.trying on

  提示:句意为:“总统在商会上进行了近一个小时的脱稿演讲。”bring up“抚养”;refer to“参照,查阅”;look for“寻找”;try on“试穿”。


  2.A quarrel     last Sunday,and he     his family.

  A.was broken out;broke away

  B.broke out;broke away

  C.was broken out;broke away from

  D.broke out;broke away from

  提示:句意为:“上星期日他与家人发生了口角,然后就离家出走了。”break out无被动语态;break away(from sb./sth.)“脱离,逃脱”。


  3.The loss has not yet been     accurately,but it is believed to be well beyond a hundred million dollars.

  A.calculated B.considered

  C.completed D.controlled

  提示:句意为: “还没有对损失进行精确的计算,但大家认为会超过一亿美元。”calculate“计算”;consider“认为”;complete“完成”;control“控制”。


  4.—Hey,dear!Guess what?I’ve got a pay rise!

  —This     a celebration!Let’s go to sing Karaoke tonight.

  A.brings out B.works out

  C.calls for D.pays for



  5.Mr Smith looks old,but    ,he is very young.

  A.in the fact

  B.in a reality

  C.as a matter of fact

  D.as matter of a fact

  提示:固定短语as a matter of fact“实际上”。


  6.Would you please     the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?

  A.look around B.look into

  C.look up D.look through

  提示:句意为:“请你帮我浏览一下这篇论文,看看是否有明显的错误好吗?”look around“环顾”;look into“调查”;look up“查阅,抬头看”;look through“查看,快速浏览”。


  7.—Why do you suggest we buy a new machine?

  —Because the old one has been damaged    .

  A.beyond reach

  B.beyond repair

  C.beyond control

  D.beyond description

  提示:beyond reach“够不着”;beyond repair“无法修理”;beyond control“无法控制”;beyond description“无法描述”。由题意可知应选B项。


  8.    two giraffes,Zheng He later brought zebras,shells,elephant ivory back to China after his voyages.

  A.Beside B.Except

  C.In addition D.Apart from

  提示:根据题意,此处表示“除了……之外(还有)”之意,故本题选D项。A项应改为Besides;B项意义不对;C项应改为In addition to。


  9.The comments are not directly     to this enquiry.

  A.associated B.relevance

  C.relevant D.remarkable

  提示:句意为:“这些意见和这项调查没有直接联系。”be relevant to“与……相关”;relevance n.“关联”;remarkable“显著的”;be associated with “与……有关联”。


  10.We have been looking forward to the day when the motorcar is replaced by some less dangerous     of transport.

  A.means B.methods

  C.manners D.ways



  11.It was     of you to turn down the radio while the kids were doing their homework.

  A.considerable B.conscious

  C.considerate D.aware



  12.The professor emphasises the dependence of theory on practice and that theory is based on practice and     serves practice.

  A.in return B.in turn

  C.in detail D.in addition

  提示:句意为:“教授强调了理论对于实践的依赖,理论基于实践,反过来为实践服务。”in turn表示“反过来,轮流,依次”,符合语境。A项“作为报答”;C项“详细地”;D项“另外,而且”。


  13.Despite the fact that all three teams     different approaches to the problem,they were all immediate successes.

  A.adapted B.adopted

  C.acquired D.approved

  提示:adopt different approaches意为“采用不同的方法”。A项“适应,改编”;C项“获得”;D项“同意”。由句意可知本题应选B项。


  14.During the last Paralympics,all the rooms in the Paralympic Village in Beijing were so designed that they were easily     to the disabled.

  A.accessible B.available

  C.convenient D.valid

  提示:此处表示“可以接近或使用的”,故A项符合题意。B项“可以得到的”;C项“方便的”,因为空格前有easily,所以不能选用,D项“合法的,有效的,有根 据的”。


  15.There were many talented actors out there just waiting    .

  A.to discover B.to be discovered

  C.discovered D.being discovered

  提示:句意为“有许多有才能的演员,只是在等待着被发现。”wait为不及物动词,后跟不定式表示目的。wait (for sb.)to do sth.“等待着(某人)做某事”。just waiting to be discovered 在题干中作定语,修饰actors。




  I fell in love with Yosemite National Park the first time I saw it,when I was 13.My parents took us there for camping.On the way out,I asked them to wait while I ran up to E1 Capitan ,a  16  rock of 3,300 feet straight up.I touched that giant rock and knew  17  I wanted to climb it.That has been my life’s passion (钟爱) ever since —  18  the rocks and mountains of Yosemite.I’ve long made Yosemite my  19 .

  About 15 years ago I started seeing a lot of  20 ,like toilet paper,beer cans,and empty boxes,around the area.It’s  21  me why visitors started respecting the place  22  and treated such a beautiful home-like place this way.

  I tried  23  trash (垃圾) myself,but the job was too big.I would  24  an hour or two on the job,only to find the area trashed all over again weeks later.Finally,I got so  25  it that I decided something had to change.

  As a rock-climbing guide,I knew  26  about organizing any big event.But in 2004,together with some climbers,I set a date for a  27 .On that day,more than 300 people  28 .Over three days we collected about 6,000 pounds of trash.It was amazing how much we were able to  29 .I couldn’t believe the  30  we made — the park looked clean!

  Each year volunteers come for the cleanup from everywhere.In 2007 alone,2,945 people picked up 42,330 pounds of trash and  31  132 miles of roadway.

  I often hear people  32  about their surroundings.If you are one of them,I would say the only way to change things is by  33  rather than complaining.We need t o teach by  34 .You can’t blame others  35  you start with yourself.

  16.A.distant B.huge

  C.narrow D.loose

  提示:根据rock后面的数据3,300 feet以及下一句话中的形容词giant可知,此处应选择huge,说明这块石头非常巨大。


  17.A.immediately B.finally

  C.gradually D.recently



  18.A.imagining B.painting

  C.describing D.climbing

  提示:根据上文出现的“I wanted to climb it”以及下文第26个空前面的“As a rock-climbing guide”可知,从此攀爬约塞米蒂国家公园的岩石和山成为作者一生钟爱的运动。


  19.A.garden B.home

  C.lab D.palace



  20.A.material B.resources

  C.waste D.goods

  提示:根据下文列举的事物“toilet paper,beer cans,and empty boxes”可知,此处指的是人们乱丢的垃圾或者说废弃物。


  21.A.beyond B.against

  C.over D.within

  提示:游客们乱扔垃圾的行为让作者感到难以理解。sth. be beyond sb.意为“某事对于某人来说难以想象或难以理解”。


  22.A.more B.most

  C.less D.least



  23.A.throwing away B.picking up

  C.breaking down D.digging out

  提示:作者对约塞米蒂国家公园一直充满感情,看到环境遭到破坏,自然心痛,亲自动手捡垃圾,但这项工作毕竟不是一个人能够完成的。throw away“扔掉,抛弃”;pick up“捡起,拾起”;break down“决裂,中断,崩溃”;dig out“挖掘,挖走”。


  24.A.kill B.save

  C.wait D.spend

  提示:这是一个spend some time on sth.句型,表示作者经常花费一两个小时的时间捡垃圾。


  25.A.satisfied with B.delighted in

  C.tired of D.used to

  提示:根据上文内容可知,作者捡完垃圾,几周后,又是垃圾满地,所以最终,作者感到有些厌倦了,决定采取行动来改变现状。get tired of“对……感到厌倦”;be satisfied with“对……感到满意”;be delighted in“对……感到高兴”;be used to sth. “习惯于某事”。


  26.A.something B.anything

  C.everything D.nothing

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