学习啦>学习英语>英语其它> “剧烈运动”英语怎么说


时间: 楚欣650 分享


  名词解释:剧烈运动是我们在体育课、运动训练及比赛后的两种情况 :一种是有些人在运动中或运动后因口渴而暴饮 ,结果引起腹胀、胃痛等不适感觉 ;另一种是有的人虽已口渴难忍,却仍受着一种约束 ,只能等运动结束后很长时间才敢补水 ,结果造成身体脱水和各种疾病。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?

  Working up a sweat through regular, vigorous exercise could reduce risk of flu by around 10%, research suggests.

  Doing at least 2.5 hours a week of activity such as running, fast cycling or rugby was found to reduce flu or flu-like illness. Where as more gentle pursuits, such as walking or light jogging, were found to have little effect.

  Experts at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine examined data from its online flu study, Flusurvey.





  文中的vigorous exercise就是“剧烈运动”的意思,其中vigorous是一个形容词,解释为“剧烈的、强劲的”,它由名词vigor(体力、活力)加上常见形容词后缀-ous构成。此外,关于exercise一词,当它解释为“锻炼、运动”时,是不可数名词;在解释为“一套动作、一套练习”和“习题”时,是可数名词,如morning exercises(早操)、grammar exercises(语法习题)等。

  文章第一段中的work up a sweat是固定表达,解释为“出一身汗”。