学习啦 > 学习英语 > 英语单词 > allow在英语中的用法


时间: 燕妮639 分享




  1. allow意为“允许;许可”,常用于“allow sb. to do sth.”结构,表示“允许某人做某事”。allow后面可接动名词作宾语,不可用动词不定式作宾语,即: allow doing sth.“允许做某事”。如:

  My father allowed me to play basketball after finishing my homework. 我的父亲允许我做完作业后打篮球。

  They do not allow smoking in public. 他们不允许在公共场合吸烟。

  [注意] allow用于被动语态时,必须接不定式作宾语补足语,不能接动名词形式。“Sb. / Sth. be allowed to do sth.”结构,也可在allow后面接介词短语,即“Sb. / Sth. be allowed 介词短语”。如:

  Women were not allowed to take part in the games. 妇女是不允许参加这些比赛的。

  I don't allow dogs in the house. 我不允许狗进屋。

  2. allow意为“让……得到;同意给予”,后面接双宾语。如:

  How much money does your father allow you every week? 你爸爸每周给你多少钱?

  3. allow意为“承认”,后面可跟从句,也可跟“to be”复合宾语。如:

  We had to allow that he was the best teacher we had met. 我们不得不承认他是我们遇到的最好的老师。

  We must allow him to be a genius. 我们必须承认他是个天才。

  4. allow for 表示“考虑到;体谅”。如:

  You have to allow for the weather there. 你不得不考虑到那里的天气。

  5. allow还常与 out, in, up等副词搭配使用,即 allow sb. in / out / up等。如:

  The patient was allowed up after ten days. 十天后这位病人才被允许起床(下地)。

  [注意] 口语中常说Allow me!(让我来吧!),用于表示要抢先做某事,以表示客气。


  1. 其后可接动名词作宾语,但通常不接不定式:我们不允许在此抽烟。

  误:We don’t allow to smoke here.

  正:We don’t allow smoking here.

  2. 若其后跟有间接宾语, 则可用不定式, 即可用于 allow sb to do sth:


  误:My parents don’t allow me staying out late.

  正:My parents don’t allow me to stay out late.

  3. 其后不接不定式作宾语,但是被动语态之后可用不定式(此时的不定式不是宾语,而是主语补语):


  误:People are not allowed talking loudly here.

  正:People are not allowed to talk loudly here.

  正:We do not allow people to talk loudly here.

  析:上面误句主要是误认为 talking loudly 是动词 allow的宾语 (所以在其后接动名词), 而其实这是一个被动结构, talking loudly 不是动词 allow 的宾语, 而是主语people 的补语。若将此转化为主动结构, 即为 allow sb to do sth 这一句型。

  4. 关于allow for与allow of


  误:The facts allow for only one explanation.

  正:The facts allow of only one explanation.

  析:不要混淆 allow for(考虑到,体谅)与 allow of(容许,对.. .留有余地)。如:

  Don’t forget to allow for traffic delays. 不要忘记把在路上交通耽误的时间考虑在内
