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super fine是什么意思

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super fine是什么意思

  今天小编整理了一些关于super fine的短语和相关造句,大家有需要的可以收藏起来参考一下。

  super fine

  英 [ˈsju:pə fain] 美 [ˈsupɚ faɪn]

  adj. 微细的;特级的,极好的


  形容词 superfine:

  of extremely fine size or texture

  excessively delicate or refined

  (used especially of merchandise) very fine in quality


  super-fine grinding 超细粉碎

  super-fine fiber 超细纤维

  super-fine grains 超细晶粒

  super-fine sand 特细砂

  super-fine pigment 超细颜料

  super-fine slag 矿渣微粉

  super-fine grain 晶粒超细化

  super-fine file 最细锉

  super-fine interaction 超精细相互作用


  Super fine resolution is not available.


  The production of the super fine cotton twills is introduced.


  The effect of super fine active zinc oxide in radial passenger car tire tread were investigated by using two formulas.


  The number of nep and impurity is a import index which influences super fine yarn quality.


  Sexy Six Color Eyeshadow Thanks to its super fine powder, multiple fashionable ...

  魅惑六色眼影 超细柔滑的粉质,多款时尚颜色组合,随心所欲自由搭配,特...

  Sexy One Color Eyeshadow Thanks to its super fine powder, charming color and th...

  魅惑单色眼影 超细柔滑的粉质,迷人的色彩,内有极细腻珍珠微粒,使色彩...

  Graphite : It is made of the high pure and super fine graphite which is treated specially.


  SFP:Super fine polish media. It's made of alumina, very shine, can make a bright finish surface with a suitable compound.


  Super fine powder with orange flower scent, contains crystal and mica elements to refract light for the skin to look glossy from any angles.
