学习啦 > 学习英语 > 英语口语 > 生活大爆炸经典口语


时间: 若木631 分享


  下面是学习啦小编整理的一些生活大爆炸的经典口语, 希望对大家有帮助。

  pass out 晕倒;

  that was pretty droll 那太可笑了;

  watch and learn 看着学点儿;

  sneak sth away 偷偷把某物拿走;

  that’s gross 真恶心;

  let's not do anything rash. 别草率行事;

  what does your gut tell you?你的直觉是什么;

  in jest 开玩笑地

  It's gonna be wall-to-wall fun. 那里可是好玩极了。

  It is a hoot and a half.噢,这东西可好玩了。

  You are in for a treat.你可赚大了。

  All right, that settles it.行了,就这么定了。

  Told you.早说了。

  Stop yelling!叫什么叫!

  I hear you're in some sort of a long distance situation?我听说你们好像在异地恋爱?

  It's kind of tough.有点难受啊。

  Oh, that's funny turn.噢,这转变真有意思。

  Well, you can't force things.听着,强扭的瓜不甜。

  Get them before they get us.先下手为强啊。

  It's a tragic human condition.人生就是一场悲剧。

  Long story short.长话短说。

  Nice. Kick a man when he's down.真有你的,落井下石。

  Well, this takes me back.往日又重现了。

  Don't beat yourself up.别对自己失望。

  I get the gist.我明白你的意思。

  go on a hunger strike绝食抗议

  What do you say?意下如何?

  Oh, there it is.哦,又来了。

  What are you trying to pull?你想耍什么花招?

  Long story short 长话短说;

  get them before they get us 先下手为强;

  kick a man when he's down 落井下石;

  get the gist 领会要点

  Hey, you got a minute? 嘿,你有时间吗?

  That's gross. 真恶心。

  Now, let's not do anything rash. 慢点,先别这么急。

  Now we're getting somewhere. 你总算听明白了。

  What does your gut tell you? 问问你的内心深处是怎么想的?

  What the hell is going on? 又怎么了?

  a can-do attitude 乐观进取的态度;

  Damn it. 我勒个去。

  I go back and forth. 我也在犹豫。

  get past this fear 克服这种恐惧;

  Sorry I ditched you. 抱歉把你抛弃了。

  to return the favor 为了报答你;

  Way off. 半点可能都没有

  take a bow 鞠躬谢幕吧;