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  Relax Yourself

  Every time when we feel stress, others will ask us to be relaxed. And we all know that relax is good for us to make things successful. I think maybe it is because people can gain enough energy and clearing their mind after relaxing. But relaxing doesn't means indulging. Some people may suffer pain when they are trying to make something done, but when they stop to relax, they feel happy for avoiding the difficulty. And then they may indulge in the relax life resist to think. It is not good for them. For example, a student is tired from study. He can recover after several minutes’computer games. But if he is addicted in it, he will ruin his study. Thus, when relaxing, people need to pay attention to the problem of degree. Do not step over the line.


  Relax Ourselves

  Recently, we have little time to keep close contact with nature. We spend too much time on study or working. We almost forget that how green the grass is, how beautiful the flowers are, and how sweetly the birds are singing outside our windows. A saying goes, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". It means that we need to relax ourselves and go out to breathe more fresh air. We can also climb a hill in the suburbs.It's good for our health.

  Let's go outing.


  Relax Ourselves

  What do you usually do in your spare time to relax yourself? Let me tell you some ways to.First of all, you can stay in bed for a while, sleeping makes people feel good.Secondly, you can join your friends in some fun parties, talks with friends will let you feel comfortable.Thirdly, you can go outing alone. You can either breathe new fresh air in the mountains or you can take a look at how beautiful the nature looks like.Fourth, why don't you just play sports with your family? You'll feel tired if you do too much exercise once, but it keeps you healthy and energetic.What's your opinion?


  What does it mean to relax?Despite hearing this term thousands of times during the course of our lives, very few people have deeply considered what it's really about.

  When you ask people (which I have done many times) what it means to relax, most will answer in a way that suggests that relaxing is something you plan to do later you do it on vacation, in a hammock, when you retire, or when you get everything else done. This implies, of course, that most other times should be spent nervous, agitated, rushed, and frenzied. Very few actually come out and say so, but this is the obvious implication.Could this explain why so many of us operate as if life were one great big emergency?

  It is useful to think of relaxation as a quality of heart that you can access on a regular basis rather than something reserved for some later time. You can relax now. It's helpful t remember that relaxed people can still be superachievers and, in fact, that ..........


  Recently, we have little time to keep close contact with nature. We spend too much time on study or working. We almost forget that how green the grass is, how beautiful the flowers are, and how sweetly the birds are singing outside our windows. A saying goes, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". It means that we need to relax ourselves and go out to breathe more fresh air. We can also climb a hill in the suburbs.It's good for our health.

  Let's go outing.


  One way is to take exercise, walking, running, playing basketball or football and so on. We can also watch TV, where we are able to enjoy varieties of colorful programs both in Chinese and English. Moreover, we can surf the Internet to get some relaxation and entertainment.

  As far as I’m concerned/ As for me, surfing the Internet appeals to me most. For one thing, the Internet offers a wide range of activities for relaxation. In general, I keep track of the latest news as an enjoyment. Sometimes, I play computer games to refresh myself. For another, the Internet makes it easy for me to make friends with people at home and abroad and it is a great joy to communicate with them. In addition, having a glimpse of the vivid pictures and live videos on the Internet contributes to regaining my energy.


  Learn to relax Yourself

  Now our middle school students are under too pressure. We have to do many lessons at school and join all kinds of training classes in our spare time. We often feel tired. So it is necessary for us to rela ourselves, or we won’t have enough energy to study our lessons well.

  Most students like doing sports, such as playing balls, climbing mountains and taking a walk . Listening to music and going to the movies are also good ways to relax.

  But I often have a good sleep to relax myself. I often feel very energetic after a good sleep.



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