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  我不去想是否能够成功既然选择了远方便只顾风雨兼程我不去想能否赢得爱情既然钟情于玫瑰就勇敢地吐露真诚 I care not whether I can succeed.Since in choice of the distance,I simply travel in wind and rain.I care not whether I can win love.Since in deep love with a rose,I just unbosom myself bravely.我不去想身后会不会袭来寒风冷雨既然目标是地平线留给世界的只能是背影我不去想未来是平坦还是泥泞只要热爱生命一切,都在意料之中 I care not whether hit by wind and rain.Since my goal is to reach the horizon,Only my back is in face of the world.I care not whether future is smooth or muddy,If only I have passion for life,Everything will go as expected.


  Faith begins by believing in your heart that what is right has a chance.信念始于内心对机缘深信不疑。Faith is knowing in your heart that good can overcome evil, that the sun can shine in a rainstrom.信念是心底深信善良能战胜邪恶,太阳会在暴风雨中升起。Faith is peaceful and comforting, because it comes from within where no one can invade your private dreams.信念平静而给人慰藉,它源于心灵深处,在那里,无人能窥探只属于你的秘密。Faith is not something you can demand or command; it is a result of commitment to belief.信念不可强求或控制,它是对信仰忠贞不渝的自然流露。Faith is believing in something you can't see or hear, something deep inside that only you understand and only you control.信念是只有你能理解和驾驭的内心所想,它无法捉摸,但你要笃信不疑。Faith is trusting in yourself enough to know that no matter how things turn out, you will make the best of them.信念就是坚信自己无论如何总能将糟糕的局面扭转,展现事态的一面。


  假如你不够快乐也不要把眉头深锁人生本来短暂为什么 还要栽培苦涩打开尘封的门窗让阳光雨露洒遍每个角落走向生命的原野让风儿熨平前额博大可以稀释忧愁深色能够覆盖浅色if you don't feel happy enoughdon't wrinkle up your foreheadlife is so shortwhy do you still find sadnessopen the close windowlet the sun shines everywherewalk toward the life's wildlet wind touch your foreheadbroadness can relieve sadnessthe deeper can cover the fleet





