学习啦 > 演讲与口才 > 演讲口才 > 演讲稿写作 > 怎样写好英语演讲稿


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  由于公共演讲一般受众为数十人甚至数百、数千人,再加上演讲环境的不确定性(比如:观众的欢呼,或者抱怨),最好在进入主题后马上给出所讲内容的逻辑框架,以便听众更好的预判整个演讲内容,有利于他们更好地跟随演讲者的思路,达到良好的演讲效果。比如,乔布斯在该次演讲中,开篇稍微寒暄开篇之后,就进入正题,“Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That’s it. No big deal. Just three stories.”学生们马上能做出逻辑预判,我们今天会听到乔布斯谈三点,然后具体关注是哪三点,这种演讲就具备了“audience-centeredness”(以观众为中心)的特质。乔布斯在随后的演讲中明确提到,“The first story is about connecting the dots. My second story is about love and loss. My third story is about death.”由于这种明晰的思路,听众在听完之后也会记忆犹新,不会觉得头脑混乱,毫无所得。

  当然,演讲稿的逻辑安排有多种方式,乔布斯的这篇演讲是按照topical order(话题顺序)和chronological order(时间顺序)来安排的。除此之外, 还有spatial order(空间顺序), problem-solution order(提问解决顺序)等等。大家可以根据不同的演讲内容来安排自己演讲稿的逻辑顺序和结构。


  1.State the importance of your topic(指出演讲话题的重要性)。直接告诉听众,你的演讲重要在哪里。比如:今天要做的是一场“英语演讲的艺术”的演讲,那开始就直接指出,该演讲对于大家今后的学习工作将会有重大的帮助,甚至给出一些数据和实例,让听众明白不听这个演讲将会是自己的损失。这样,听众就会很乐意投入到该次演讲中去。

  2.Startle the audience(使听众震惊)。例如:要做一场关于“生活方式与疾病”的演讲,开篇就可以给出一组极具冲击力的数据,让听众看到生活方式的不健康将会是多么可怕的事情,这样的震惊使听众能够快速调整状态,投入到听演讲中去。

  3.Arouse the curiosity of the audience(引起听众的好奇心)

  4.Question the audience(向观众提问)。

  5.Begin with a quotation(以引用开篇)。

  6.Tell a story(以故事开篇)。

  结尾往往可以起到“画龙点睛”的作用,开篇正文再好,如果结尾过于平淡,整个演讲的精彩程度都会大打折扣。那么如何做到“结尾有道”呢?首先,我们来看看乔布斯的这篇演讲稿,他的结尾比开篇更加出彩,采用的是“end with a quotation”,达到的效果是特别引人深思。他在结尾说道,“Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.” It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.”他不仅在结尾引用这句“Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish”,而且重复三遍,强化听众的印象,这句话也被广泛传播,被誉为该篇演讲的“精髓”。

  在结尾时,可以用结束信号词让听众明白你要准备结尾了,不要让演讲结束得太突兀,比如,“In conclusion”, “Let me end my speech by saying…”, “I’d like to close my speech this way.”等。具体的结尾方式很多,常见的有:

  1.Summarize your speech(总结演讲)。

  2.Make a dramatic statement(强有力的陈述),这个不同于引用他人之言,往往是演讲者自己的沉淀和呐喊,非常经典的演讲是Patrick Henry’s legendary “Liberty or Death” oration. 他在结尾时说道,”Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death.”

  3.refer to the introduction(首尾呼应)。这是体现演讲内在统一的很经典的形式,值得借鉴。


  1.多看。多看一些演讲素材,比如名人演讲,演讲比赛优秀选手的演讲等,积累大量的一手素材,当然也有必要阅读关于英语公共演讲的书籍,本人非常推荐Stephen E. Lucas的《演讲的艺术》。




  I don't know what's your dream, I don't care you toward the dreams had met what kind of difficulties. That your heart thinking and thinking in the dream, she is likely, although you may think she is too difficult. She is not simple, it is difficult to change your life, in the process of striving for dreams, you will meet the failure of the countless, countless, countless pain, you will have questioned his own time, will ask god why this is my destiny.


  I just want to look after children, my parents, and not to steal to rob, why such a thing could happen to me? Have encountered difficulties, don't give up your dream, difficult days will come, but they always will be the past, great achievement not unrealistic, not like god only when got remarkable talent. She is really exist is that each of us in the heart, the important thing is that you have to believe in, you can do it.


  Most people married, day after day and then die of old age, they stop growing, stop exercising, stop trying to surpass himself, and then there are those who love complaining but don't try to change the status, most people don't want to strive for their dreams.


  Why is that?


  One reason is the fear of failure, "one thousand things than expected?" Is the fear of success, "I don't have the ability to control after one thousand success?" They don't want to take risks, you spend a lot of time to communication with others, want to let others like you, do you know other people more than the self-understanding, you watch them, know everything, they want to talk to them in a piece of, become just like them.

  原因之一就是害怕失败,“万一事情不如预期怎么办?” 再来就是害怕成功,“万一成功之后我没能力掌控怎么办?”他们完全不想承担风险,你花了大量的时间与他人交际,想让别人喜欢你,你认识他人比认识自我更多,你观察它们,知道他们一切事情,想跟他们混在一块,变得跟他们一样。

  But do you know? Spent so much time on them, and eventually lost self.


  I want you to learn to get along with his candid if you want to achieve a dream, you must remove your heart lu snake (loser), the men of his own dreams, life can have very different special significance. When you find yourself, slowly you will be different with others, began to have their own characteristics. But if you only know to follow others steps and imitate others, you will never become the strongest imitators, but you can be the best himself. I want you to find their own value, others can't see, can't participate in, will expand horizons for you This is you have to know.

  我要你学会与自己坦诚相处如果你想达成梦想,就必须将你心中的鲁蛇(loser)去除,朝自己梦想前进的人,生命会有截然不同的特殊意义。当你找到了自我,慢慢的你会与他人有所不同,开始拥有自己的特质。但若你只懂跟随他人脚步以及模仿他人,你永远无法变成最强的模仿者,但你可以成为最优秀的自己。我要你找到自己的价值,其他人看不见,无法参与,也不会为你拓展视野 这是你要了解的。

  You are unique, I want you to meet like-minded people, eager for success, hard work, those who want to create life, get along with a dream, a dream of people know: in your success. If you want to have more achievements, if you want to do some had never done before, that you have to invest oneself, must invest in yourself, don't let the prejudices of others become a part of your reality, not holding the mentality of victims through life, even if you met a daunting thing, also want to know you can do it, even if other people don't believe, you also should have confidence This is what I believe, to die!

  你是独一无二的,我要你结交志同道合的人,渴望成功的人,努力不懈的人,那些想要重新打造生命的人,与达成梦想的人相处,达成梦想的人知道:成功与否都在自己。如果你想要更有成就,如果你想要做些从未做过的事,那你就必须投资自己,一定要投资自己,不要让他人的成见成为自己现实的一部份,不要抱着受难者的心态渡过一生,就算你遇到了气馁的事情,也要知道你做得到,就算别人不相信,你也要有自信 这是我所相信的,至死不渝!

  No matter how bad situation, how dangerous in the future, I can do it, I want to represent a belief, represents a possibility that some of you may be thinking to be more a layer, want to have my own association, want to be engineers or doctors, believe that I can't get you, you can't get you think of hierarchy, unless you start to cultivate your own heart.


  You simply doesn't even have the habit of reading, I want you to listen to a speech, taking time, get along with yourself, and spent an hour trying to understand myself, until you find yourself. When you live out the self, to live out their own the fate, when you are a unique individual, you will be with the people around is different, I want you to do what others don't want you to reach others don't want to listen to your domain, because then you won't be all day thinking about how to please them, because you want to be different, you want to the next level.


  I want you to cultivate your own heart, if you are still talking about your dreams, also talking about your goals, but it didn't do anything, then you have to make the first move, first you can make your parents proud, let your school pride, you can have touched the lives of one million people, the world will be because of you, because you choose this road, don't let other people ruin your dream.


  In others refused or from time to time, or in a meeting you are releasing doves, or trust someone made you failed to live up to its promise, even if their own state of mind makes you stop again and again lost no power, or repeatedly every day thinking about your dream, then he said to his game isn't over, until I win.


  You can realize your dream!You can be.
