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  Ⅴ. 阅读理解(共30分,每小题2分)


  Mary brought home a notice from school:

  School Uniform (校服) Rules

  11th Aug. 2014

  Dear Parents,

  Some parents have asked about the rules about dress at Popular School. Please read and buy the right uniforms for your children this winter.

  For boys:

  white shirt

  brown trousers

  blue school jacket

  blue tie (领带)

  black belt (腰带)

  white socks

  brown shoes For girls:

  pink shirt

  blue skirt

  brown trousers (only when it is 12℃ or below)

  blue school jacket

  white stockings (长筒女袜)

  black shoes

  Children can be allowed to wear blue scarves or white scarves to school. But they aren’t allowed to wear hats.

  The school uniform must be clean. Girls with long hair must tie their hair with yellow ribbons (丝带).

  Children can only wear sports shoes to school if they have a PE lesson that day. They are allowed to wear white sports shoes only.

  Thank you for your attention.


  John Wong (Headmaster)


  ( )41. The headmaster wrote this notice about the school uniform for ________.

  A. spring B. summer

  C. autumn D. winter

  ( )42. Mrs Lam’s son Mike is at Popular School. She needs to buy Mike ________.

  A. a brown tie B. a white shirt

  C. black trousers D. blue socks

  ( )43. Mary should wear ________ to go to school when it is 18℃.

  A. brown trousers B. white socks

  C. a blue skirt D. a black school jacket

  ( )44. Which of the following is NOT allowed at Popular School?

  A. The ribbon . B. The hat.

  C. The scarf. D. The stockings.

  ( )45. Which of the following is TRUE according to the material?

  A. Girls at Popular School aren’t allowed to have long hair.

  B. Some parents think Popular School’s uniforms are expensive.

  C. Parents should buy right uniforms from Popular School for their children.

  D. Students have to wear white sports shoes for PE lessons at Popular School.


  My pet dog died recently. But before you feel too sorry for me or my dog, you should know that Matty — we named her after the famous baseball player Christy “Matty” Mathewson — was about 17 years old. She lived a long, happy life before she got so sick that we had to put her to sleep.

  I have to say that when we first saw Matty, I did not want a pet. But Matty turned out (结果是) to be a wonderful dog. Matty was a big part of our family life for years.

  That’s a good lesson. Sometimes things don’t turn out the way you thought they would. They turn out better. See if this sounds familiar (熟悉的) to you. You join a sports team. After some practice or games, you find you don’t like the team as much as you thought you would. Maybe you don’t like the coach or the other kids. Or perhaps you find out you’re not going to be the next LeBron James or Mia Hamm. You want to give up, but your mum and dad say you have to at least finish the season. You don’t want to, but you stay with the team. And, surprise: Things get better. You make a friend or make a few good plays. Maybe the coach tells you you’re going to be a good player.

  Most kids and adults (成年人) are pretty sure they know exactly what they want. For example, I was positive years ago that I didn’t want a dog. But life is full of surprises. We change with time. That’s why it’s important for us to try new foods, new hobbies and new sports


  ( )46. We can learn from the first paragraph that Matty ________.

  A. lived a hard life

  B. died because of an accident

  C. was 17 years old when she died

  D. was named after a family member of the writer

  ( )47. Mia Hamm is probably a(n) ________.

  A. movie star B. sports star

  C. animal doctor D. school teacher

  ( )48. The underlined word “positive” in the last paragraph means “________” in Chinese.

  A. 遗憾的 B. 庆幸的

  C. 失望的 D. 肯定的

  ( )49. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

  A. Matty was an important part of the writer’s family.

  B. The wri ter didn’t want Matty when he first saw her.

  C. The writer learned a lesson from his pet dog.

  D. Most kids know exactly what they are good at.

  ( )50. By telling the story of his dog, the writer wants us to ________.

  A. have a pet B. try new things

  C. join a sports team D. take care of our pet


  Nicolas Come is a nine-year-old boy. He was a picky (挑剔的) eater. He especially disliked healthy foods and wouldn’t go near mo st fruits and vegetables.

  Nicolas’ dad, Stephane, tried to think of ways to get Nicolas and his younger brother to eat more healthily. “I thought they would give more foods a chance if they grew the foods themselves,” says Stephane. So the family started a garden in their yard. They planted strawberries, carrot s, tomatoes, lettuce, potato es, and many other fruits and vegetables. It worked. Nicolas learned to care for these foods and started tasting them. “I discovered that I like them a lot!” says Nicolas.

  At the same time, Nicolas found that many kids were eating unhealthy foods. One day in his family’s garden, Nicolas came up with an idea of writing a book that would help other kids. His dad suggested a smartphone app (应用程序). Nicolas liked the idea and decided to start his own business.

  Nicolas’ parents helped him develop a business plan. A group of app makers joined Nicolas’ team. The app (it’s free) was ready in May 2013. It helps children and families create meal plans with easy recipes (食谱). Nicolas shows kids how to prepare healthy food through his app, his website, and YouTube videos. Thousands of kids (and parents) are now his fans (迷), and newspapers and TV shows have shared Nicolas’ story.

  Nicolas has plans to improve his app and wants to add games that let kids get “healthy” or “unhealthy” points for food choices. He has also started putting “Nicolas’ Seal of Approval (正式认可)” on restaurant menu items (项目). He explains, “It will help me and other kids find healthy, tasty foods in restaurants.”

  Nicolas likes hearing that other kids think his app is “very cool.” But what he likes most is, “I’m helping other kids get healthier. That’s what I wanted to do.”


  ( )51. In order to encourage his children to eat healthy foods, Stephane made them ________.

  A. grow the foods

  B. play games about the foods

  C. cook the foods

  D. read books on the foods

  ( )52. ________ came up with the idea of making a smartphone app.

  A. Nicolas

  B. Nicolas’ younger brother

  C. Stephane

  D. A group of app makers

  ( )53. People can get Nicolas’ easy recipes in ________ way(s).

  A. one B. two

  C. three D. four

  ( )54. If we find “Nicolas’ Seal of Approval” on a restaurant menu item, we can know that the food is ________.

  A. simple B. healthy

  C. cheap D. sweet

  ( )55. The passage is mainly about ________.

  A. a boy who helps his parents grow vegetables

  B. a boy who helps other kids eat more healthily

  C. how to choose foods for kids

  D. how to start a business

  Ⅵ. 完成句子(共5分,每小题1分)


  56. 詹妮在这次英语竞赛中夺得了冠军。

  Jenny won ________________ in the English competition this time.

  57. 参加跳高比赛的有多少学生?

  How many students are there for the ________________?

  58. 我们应该对这次成功感到自豪。

  We should ________________ the success.

  59. 如果我没记错的话,你去年去了英国。

  ________________, you went to England last year.

  60. 这些字母代表什么?

  What do the letters ________________?

  Ⅶ. 综合填空(共10分,每小题1分)


  Have you ever seen a four-leaf clover? The four-leaf clover has been a symbol of good l (61) for hundreds of years. People around the world think it b (62) good luck. Why does this small green p (63) mean so much to so many people?

  The clover is a small wild plant that usually has three l (64). Years ago, this plant became the national symbol of Ireland. Sometimes but not often, the three-leaf plant grows four leaves. It’s said that there’s only one four-leaf clover for every 10,000 clovers.

  It’s very h (65) to find a four-leaf clover. That’s w (66) people think if you find one, you’ll have good luck. In fact, people in Wales long ago thought that the four-leaf clover was special. They u (67) it to keep ghosts away. Even the ancient Druid priests (德鲁伊特祭司) believed i (68) was a sign of luck. They said that the four leaves stood for hope, love, faith, and luck. In some places around the world, the four-leaf clover is said to bring the finder more luck i (69) it is given away soon.

  The next time you are outside, look around f (70) a four-leaf clover. If you’re lucky, you might find one.

  Ⅷ. 书面表达(共10分)

  假设美国一所中学的师生将来你校参观,请你根据表格提示的内容向外宾介绍你校体育活动方面的情况。80 词左右(短文开头已给出,不计入总词数)。

  活动时间 下午5:00—6:00

  项目 球类:足球、篮球、排球、乒乓球


  优势项目 足球、篮球

  比赛方式 1. 一年一度的学校运动会;

  2. 和其他中学进行比赛

  益处 1. 增强体质(build sb. up);

  2. 交更多的朋友;

  3. 有利于学习

  Hello, ev eryone! Welcome to our school! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  外研版初三上册英语Module 8练习试题参考答案

  Ⅰ. 1. points 2. courage 3. Japan 4. noon

  5. method 6. decision 7. kicking 8. ability

  9. Asian 10. seat

  Ⅱ. 11-15 BCCBA 16-20 BACAD 21-25 BBCCD

  Ⅲ. 26-30 BDCCA 31-35 BBDCA

  Ⅳ. 36-40 DAGBE

  Ⅴ. 41-45 DBCBD 46-50 CBDDB 51-55 ACCBB

  Ⅵ. 56. first place 57. high jump

  58. take pride in / be proud of

  59. If my memory is correct 60. stand for

  Ⅶ. 61. luck 62. brings 63 . plant 64. leaves

  65. hard 66. why 67. used 68. it 69. if

  70. for

  Ⅷ. One possible version:

  Hello, everyone! Welcome to our school! Sports are very popular in our school. From 5 pm to 6 pm, we play different kinds of sports. The sports include football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, running, the high jump and the long jump. Most students are good at football and basketball. We hold a sports meeting every year. Also, we often play games against other middle schools. All the students like having sports because it can build us up and help us make more friends. Of course, it’s quite good for our study.
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