

时间: 楚欣650 分享

  名词解释:白酒(Chinese spirits)的标准定义是:以粮谷为主要原料,以大曲、小曲或麸曲及酒母等为糖化发酵剂,经蒸煮、糖化、发酵、蒸馏而制成的蒸馏酒。又称烧酒、老白干、烧刀子等。酒质无色(或微黄)透明,气味芳香纯正,入口绵甜爽净,酒精含量较高,经贮存老熟后,具有以酯类为主体的复合香味。以曲类、酒母为糖化发酵剂,利用淀粉质(糖质)原料,经蒸煮、糖化、发酵、蒸馏、陈酿和勾兑而酿制而成的各类酒。而严格意义上讲,由食用酒精和食用香料勾兑而成的配制酒则不能算做是白酒,而应该称之为含有酒精的饮料。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?

  The baijiu industry has suffered a major setback after plasticizers were allegedly found in almost all brands of the liquor.

  On Monday, shares in the Shenzhen-listed Jiugui Liquor Co, a large baijiu manufacturer based in Hunan province, were suspended from trade after business news website 21cbh.com reported the company's products were found to contain excessive plasticizers.

  The trading of shares in the company will resume after the relevant facts are verified, the suspension notice said.


  【讲解】“白酒”英文我们可以说成Chinese liquor或Chinese spirits,或者可以直接说成baijiu,但是我们不能翻译成white wine, white wine是指“白葡萄酒”,wine指葡萄酒,而liquor和spirits都是指烈性酒。文中的plasticizer即指“塑化剂”,也可以说成plasticizing agent。