

时间: 燕妮639 分享



  Only if we do these can we solve the problems of air pollution.

  Only if we follow the rules, can we work it out smoothly.

  Only if we start out small, can we have a better life.

  Only when we do all mentioned above, can we make a success.

  Only in this way, can we succeed.

  Only in these ways, can we build up a harmonious society.

  Teamwork spirit contributes a lot to our success.

  Whatever you decide to do, just do the best you can.

  There are three factors contributing to my point.

  There is an old saying that...

  There are many reasons accounting for this change

  Opinions are divided on the felling of happiness.

  This story reminds me of one of my former experiences.

  (3)例文临摹 (以“调查(偶像)”为例)

  [调查的时间、问题、对象] Last week , we did a survey among 2600 students on “Who Is Your Idol”. [调查结果] The survey shows that half of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols, while 48% of the boys favor sports stars. As the data shows, “parents” ranks the second for the girls, but the fourth for the boys. However, the percentage of the boys choosing “great figure” is the same as that of the girls. [个人观点] As for myself, Thomas Edison is my idol, because his invention have greatly changed our life.



  2.注意there be句型的使用;




