学习啦 > 学习英语 > 英语写作 > 英语写作方法 > 怎样提高英语写作的技巧(2)


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  As we all know,we are what we eat ,it is very important to form healthy eating habits. ,bad eating habits are still very common among us students, going to school without breakfast,having snacks,being particular about food and eating or drinking too much. All these bad habits will surely do harm to our health. how can we form a healthy eating habit? ,we should have various healthy diets. ,we’d better have meals regularly,Only in this way can we build up a strong body.

  参考答案:Therefore,However,like I such as,But,First(ly),Second(ly)



  意义 词语

  递进 besides,what’s more,furthermore,moreover,worse still,to make matters worse,also,in addition,even,at the same time,what is worse

  转折 but,however,yet,although,in spite of,on the contrary,on the other hand,otherwise

  原因 because,because of,owing to,on account of,considering,due to

  结果 so,therefore,thus,as a result,lead to,result in

  时间 now,then,afterwards,later,soon,before long,after that,shortly after that,soon after that,up till now,just now,just then,so far

  说明 for example,for instance,such as,like,that is to say,actually,according to this,believe it or not,to tell you the truth,and so on

  顺序 first,firstly,at first,first of all,second,secondly,finally,at last,in the end

  比较、对比 in the same way,on the contrary,on the other hand,more or less,sooner or later,similarly

  强调 above all,after all,at least,at most,indeed,in fact,surely,certainly,without any delay,of course,last but not least,there is no doubt that

  见解 in my view,personally speaking,as far as I am concerned

  结论 in a word,in general,generally speaking,in short,as you know,in conclusion

  条件 if,on condition(that),as long as,unless,once

  陈述事实 in fact,actually,as a matter of fact,to tell you the truth


  (3)练习词语的替换。很多过渡词都有同义词可以互换使用,如:firstly,secondly,thirdly...和in the first place,in the second place,in the third place...等。




  许多同学一听“高级”二字,就倍感压力,缺乏信心,不敢尝试。其实这只不过是换个词来表达,李四换张三罢了。例如,表示“出发去上海”之意时,可用“leave for Shanghai”“set out for Shanghai”来替换“go to Shanghai”。表示“高兴”一意,考生一般会马上想到happy,好一些的会想到glad,但若用到delighted或cheerful,阅卷老师看见本篇书面表达词汇量大、语言丰富,那就更容易给高分。

  【例句】 33年前唐山发生了一场可怕的地震。

  原句:A terrible earthquake happened in Tangshan 33 years ago.

  修改:A terrible earthquake hit/struck Tangshan 33 years ago.

  【例句】 我突然想到了一个好主意。

  原句:I suddenly had a good idea.

  修改:A good idea occurred to me.

  【例句】 我们会尽力保护好我们的环境。

  原句:We will try our best to protect the environment.

  修改:We will spare no effort to protect the environment.


  be aware(adj.)of sth.意识到……

  be aware that...意识到……

  make sb.aware of sth.使某人意识到……

  raise one’s awareness(n.) about sth.提高某人某方面的意识

