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  Mr. North looks worried this week. He always 1 good habit. He gets up early in the 2 and does some exercises before breakfast. He thought himself 3 and didn’t often go to see a doctor. But last Friday morning, when he was walking near the garden. He suddenly fell to the __4__. There was nobody around him and a few minutes later he came back to 5 . He stood up and went back slowly. He thinks something is wrong with his 6 and sometimes it beats fast, sometimes slow now. He can’t fall 7 in the evening. And he often feels 8 when he’s at work.

  This morning Mr. North came to the 9 . He told the doctor what happened to him. The young doctor 10 him over carefully and then said,” I’m 11 to tell you, Mr. North. The terrible disease is 12__ you. You must give up coffee if you hope to live 13 .”

  “But I never drinks it” said Mr. North.

  “And 14 smoking.”

  “I don’t smoke at all.”

  “Mm! That’s bad! If you haven’t anything to give up, I’m afraid I can’t do 15 for you.”

  1. A gives B. keeps C. hopes D. studies

  2. A. morning B. night C. spring D. noon

  3. A. weak B. good C. healthy D. clever

  4. A. floor B. fire C. hill D. ground

  5. A. life B. wish C. business D. music

  6. A. head B. face C. heart D. nose

  7. A. behind B. asleep C. over D. in

  8. A. hungry B. alone C. dangerous D. tired

  9. A. school B. hospital C. cinema D. park

  10. A. heard B. called C. looked D. climbed

  11. A. glad B. sure C. busy D. sorry

  12. A. troublingB. meeting C. having D. waiting

  13. A. long B. longer C. short D. shorter

  14. A. enjoy B. begin C. stop D. forget

  15. A. much B. little C. few D. a lot of




  1. B。保持良好的习惯 表达为“keep good habit”。

  2. A。早餐前起床,故用 “morning”。

  3. C。因为每天早起锻炼,所以他认为自己很健康。

  4. D 跌倒在地可表达成“fell to the ground”。

  5. A。 “come back to life ”是“苏醒过来”。

  6. C。后面一句讲“他有时心跳很快”由此推断“他认为自己心脏有问提”。

  7. B。fall asleep表示“睡着、入睡”。

  8. D。由于他一直怀疑心脏不好,夜里睡不好,所以工作时常常感到疲劳。

  9. B。下句是讲他去看医生。

  10 .C。look over表示“检查身体”。

  11. D。说到不好的事,故用 “I’m sorry”。

  12. A。trouble sb.意思是“麻烦某人、困扰某人”。

  13. B。想长寿,少喝咖啡。

  14. C。戒烟可表达为“stop smoking”或“give up smoking”。

  15. A。医生怀疑是吸烟和咖啡引起的,但他没有这些嗜好,所以他只好说他没办法。


  People on Hainan Island like scuba diving. But do you know what makes if possible for people 1 under water for a long time? It’s the scuba machine. They do you know 2 invented the machine? It was Jacquse Cousteau and 3 friend.

  Cousteau was a man 4 of new ideas. Ever 5 he was a child, he had been dreaming of diving deep to explore the wonderful world __6 the sea. Later with the scuba machine he invented, his 7__ came true. He took a lot of pictures and videos of many things 8__ people had never seen before. It 9 him eight years to make a TV show which he named “The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau.” People were 10 when they saw so many beautiful things under water.

  Cousteau loved the coral reels and all the beautiful fish. However, when he returned some years later, he was 11 to see that the colourful coral reels were 12 and grey. He tried everything possible to help people know the 13 of saving the environment and 14__ them to take part in keeping our lakes, rivers, seas and oceans 15 .

  1. A. to breathe B. breathing C. breathed D. breathe

  2. A. that B. what C. which D. who

  3. A. he B. his C. she D. her

  4. A. think B. filled C. full D. short

  5, A. until B. from C. since D. through

  6. A. under B. above C. on D. over

  7. A. dream B. idea C. thoughts D. plan

  8. A. so B. who C. and D. that

  9. A. spent B. paid C. took D. cost

  10. A. surprising B. surprised C. frightened D. frightening

  11. A. sad B. afraid C. happy D. interested

  12. A. got B. better C. were D. dead

  13. A. important B. time C. knowledge D. danger

  14. A. stop B. let C. make D. encourage

  15. A. well B. clean C. rough D. quiet




  1. A。makes 后的it是形式宾语,动词不定式 to breathe是真正宾语。

  2. D。who 引倒宾语从句。

  3. B。Jacquse Cousteau 是男的 。

  4. C。“充满了……”可表达成“full of”或“filled with”。

  5. C。本句的后半句的完成时决定了应该用since。

  6. A。海底世界表达为the world under the sea。

  7. A。前一句提到他一直梦想到海底深处观看奇妙的世界。故用 dream这个词。

  8. D。先行词that在定语从句中做主语。

  9. C。考查It takes sb. Some time to do sth 结构。

  10. B。考查形容词的主动性和被动性,此句是被动意义。

  11. A。从Cousteau以后所做的事可以看出海底受到污染,珊瑚礁死了。

  12. D。指珊瑚死了。

  13. A。告诉人们拯救环境的重要性。

  14 .D。鼓励某人做某事“ encourage sb to do sth”。

  15. B。keep sb/sth + adj使……处于……状态。


  The United States, Great Britain took the war on Iraq(伊拉克) in late March, 2003. 1 over twenty days American soldiers were in Baghdad, the 2 of Iraq. They ended the government(政府) of Saddam. 3 Iraqis died in the war. Saddam is 4 . No one knows __5 he’s dead or alive.

  In some parts of the city there was no light because of the war. Some oil wells(井) were set on fire. Now the Iraqis need food, water and __6 . Many soldiers and people who were hurt in the war need hospital care. People also need 7 to find their family members.

  After the war, some Iraqis broke into Saddam’s palace, government buildings, and stores. They 8 many things from Iraqi Museums. Other Iraqis are angry that the U.S soldiers didn’t stop the robbers(抢劫者). So far there is 9 no government of Iraqis.

  The reason for American soldiers taking the war is that they are 10 weapons of mess destruction(大规模杀伤性武器). But by June6, they hadn’t found any at all.

  1. A. In B. After C. By D. During

  2. A. city B. town C. capital D. village

  3. A. Thousand B. Thousand C. Thousand of D. Thousands of

  4. A. A. tired B. run C. gone D. forgotten

  5. A. if B. when C. how D. that

  6. A. spaceships B. flowers C. people D. medicine

  7. A. an idea B. a way C. a plane D. a bridge

  8. A. bought B. borrowed C. stole D. brought

  9. A. still B. ever C. yet D. already

  10. A. looking at B. looking for C. giving up D. putting down




  1. B。根据事实报道,他们经过二十多天的战斗后才到达巴格达。

  2. C。巴格达是伊拉克的首都。

  3. D。thousands of 成千上万的,thousands 前不加具体的 数目,是个概数。

  4. C。战后,萨达姆不知去向,下落不明。所以选择gone。

  5. C。if引导宾语从句。

  6. D。下一句“许多在战争中受伤的士兵和人民需要医生、护士的护理”告诉我们需填medicine。

  7. B。人们需要的是找到亲人的办法,而不是主意。

  8. C。战后伊拉克混乱,联军潜进博物馆抢走偷走珍品。

  9. A。报道时政府还没成立。still表示“仍然,还”。

  10. B。联军侵占伊拉克的目的是寻找大规模的杀伤性武器。






