

时间: 慧媛1041 分享



  Is tiny, mom told me the story of Christmas, my mother said that Christmas day, as long as hang Christmas stockings on door, there will be a Christmas grandpa send gifts to the socks, then I know send gift Christmas grandpa is my father.

  Kindergarten, on Christmas day the teacher asked the children all wear Christmas hat, the children take a nice Christmas hat do morning exercise! Then the teacher will give us some candy.

  Looking forward to Christmas every year, I go liuxue86.com to the streets can feel the Christmas festive atmosphere. Hear nice Christmas songs, see beautiful Christmas trees and Christmas grandpa, can also receive gifts.

  This Christmas I have an idea, I want to learn to sing the Christmas songs, and sing it as a gift to my teacher, classmates, and surrounded by all the people who care about me. I want to say to you: "my friends, merry Christmas!"


  Christmas is coming, Mom and Dad will give us some money to buy Christmas gifts. For this thing, we are enthusiastic to discuss this topic, everyone wants to send sincere wishes, received a happy smile.

  Christmas Eve, we have received 50 yuan, so we happily went to a market, we separate shopping, agreed to 30 minutes after the collection to the original.

  We have a good shopping, 50 yuan just run out on the way home, we are elated, you touch my bag, I touch you, constantly guess each other's mind, only a 7-year-old girl silent , Through the plastic bag, we see that there is only a lot of lollipop, my mother was very angry, ready to ask a clear.

  She just went to my mother's room and opened my mouth and said, "Mom, I am shopping around the market, but I suddenly saw a Christmas tree, there are many cards, I saw a little girl wrote, above That he wanted Santa Claus to send her a doll, and when I saw it, I went to the gift center and gave him one, and the rest of the money was enough to buy the lollipops.

  Mother listened, excited to run the girl, my mother thought, she also sympathetic, benevolent, considerate, and a strange girl wishful smile.


  December 26, the weather was clear, cloudless, in such a good weather, we Galaxy Primary School held a grand Christmas.

  12:40 we moved the stool in the badminton hall focused, first by the small host presided over the opening ceremony, and then began to perform the program, the program is really wonderful: 401 class performance humorous English script: a classmate playing dad, a classmate playing mother , Another son to play his son, my father asked his son: "'yes' in English how to say?" Son replied: "yes." And turned and whispered: "Grandpa died." Mother asked: "That' Big brother 's how to read in English? "Son replied:" Bus, my father is dead. "Everyone amused laughing; 601 classes up to: singing, dancing and script, because they have a small star - In the 301 classes of Ma Yuen for our solo "little sparrow advice" ... ... I am most nervous is the draw, when the leadership from the box out of a name, my heart mentioned the voice of the eyes, really hope Can report his name, but again and again let me down. Christmas will unknowingly end in our laughter.

  Today, I spent an unforgettable Christmas!


  12:40我们搬着凳子在羽毛球馆集中,先由小主持人主持开幕式,接着开始表演节目,节目真是精彩极了:401班表演了幽默的英语剧本:一个同学扮演爸爸,一个同学扮演妈妈,还有一个同学扮演儿子,爸爸问儿子:“‘是的’用英语怎么说?”儿子回答:“yes。”又转过头来小声地说:“爷爷死了。”妈妈问:“那‘大巴士’用英语怎么读?”儿子回答:“Bus,爸爸死了。”把大家逗得捧腹大笑;601班的节目最多:有唱歌、舞蹈和剧本,因为他们班有一个小明星 ——李月娴在;301班的马豫宁为我们独唱了《小麻雀提意见》……最令我紧张的是抽奖,当领导从箱子中抽出一个个名字时,我的心都提到了嗓子眼上,真希望能报到自己的名字,但一次又一次的让我失望。圣诞会不知不觉地在我们的欢笑声中结束了。







