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高中英语作文my hobby

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高中英语作文my hobby

  爱好是见缝插针也要做一做的事情。觉得我的爱好的英语作文难写吗?下面是学习啦小编给大家精心挑选的高中英语作文my hobby,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!

  高中英语作文my hobby篇1

  Problems like a huge magnet for attracting me. I did one topic and one topic, with a piece of paper and a piece, book to turn over pages and pages. Suddenly, I stopped pen in his hand. Originally, I experienced something bitter rivals - an old geometry problem. This picture is a little complicated, I saw a long time no see. However, this pour more sparked my interest, I settled down carefully thinking. I'll pick up the figure, a closer look. Later try to turn left, turn a turn to the right. Suddenly I found that two triangles in the picture has the certain regularity, if on one side at the bottom, so high... Area of... How to end? I keep thinking about. I finally understand: I can work out area, know, know area, area of times 2 divided by high, 35, ha! To make come! Write down the answers I excitedly, immersed in the joy of success...

  You said, I am this kind of strange hobbies?

  高中英语作文my hobby篇2

  My hobby is playing chess. Some students may ask, what is the chess? Chess is a kind of movement has a long history of chess, play chess now has hundreds of millions of!

  Remember the time of first grade, there was a Sunday, my father and I dull at home, he asked dad: "let's play what ah?" Then dad replied: "I know there is a move called chess we played." So we can have a try.

  At first, I was fascinated by this has odd pieces. Later, I began to learn chess, a year later, a summer vacation, I went to baoding for the teacher's notice "chess classification competition in hebei province" after seven days and six nights tense match, I with six wins, a good grades, and two minus six point five points, won the fifth place.

  Chess is a kind of mental exercise, each step with ten million is calculated. Complex calculations, make my math scores are among the best.

  I wish my this chess road can more walk more far.

  高中英语作文my hobby篇3

  Whenever I shop window after a computer company, always attracted by computer shows that the program letter; Whenever I have one more new computer software, always happy to caper and dance, and just like the first time cut the birthday cake, but turned around, fondle admiringly, all of this is because the same reason: my hobby is computer.

  It was three years ago to the day, I passed a computer company, was attracted by the computer screen window. I began to take an interest in computers, and in their spare time to learn the computer. Now I already know about it and generate strong interest, and in their spare time to learn the computer. Now I already know about it and generate strong interest, the computer has become my good friend. Night school, finish each homework, I started to play the computer; Saturday, Sunday and holidays, after finish to do homework, computer with me, again spent in tension, exciting and happy. Manipulate the computer, I will devote, forgot everything around, the computer was caught and held me.


1.2015高考英语作文优秀模板:my hobby

2.高一年级英语作文:My Hobby

3.我的爱好英语作文带翻译my hobby

4.英语作文my hobby

5.关于My hobby作文

6.八年级英语作文my hobby