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  May 31 is a special holiday: world no tobacco day.

  The world health organization (who) made the decision in 1987 to make the world no tobacco day on May 31 every year. The move warns that smoking is bad for health, and calls on the world's "smokers" to stop smoking or stop smoking on that day, and call on all businessmen to not sell cigarettes on the day. In 1990, the world health organization chose "teenagers not to smoke" as the theme of this year's world no tobacco day. Held in our country the third "world no tobacco day" seminar, experts called for: tobacco control should begin from the youth, also emphasized control teenagers smoking starts; The education department should make full use of education positions to strengthen the management of students and strictly prohibit the smoking liuxue86.com of primary and middle school students. According to the newspaper, the rate of youth smoking in China has been rising in recent years. By 2025, the total number of people who die every year in China will now rise from 100,000 to two million by 2025. According to the survey, youth smoking has become an important social problem in China, with more than 70 percent of smokers in China starting to smoke between the ages of 15 and 25. In order to promote the development of our country's control of smoking, youth smoking must be eliminated. Too much smoking can cause discomfort in the body. For example: cough, gasp... It can also cause a variety of chronic diseases. For example: pneumonia, cancer... Some people, friends meet to smoke, holiday gifts also buy cigarettes, smoking is the tool of communication. There are six big words on the cigarette box that are clearly marked "smoking is harmful to health" and do not know if some of the faithful smokers have seen it.

  In conclusion, smoking is harmful to health. Quit smoking!


  In the picture we can see that a man is fishing attentively by the lake.Behind him there is a scholar who is stealing the fish in the man’s bucket.It is obvious that the drawer of the picture tries to reveal a serious problemin the academic circle of our country — plagiarism. In recent years academiccheats have become rampant. Quite a lot of graduate students and scholars“use” others’ ideas, articles and papers without acknowledging the sourceof information. They copy them without the fear that they might be caught.For a long time we paid less attention to the problem of plagiarism, butnow we are increasingly aware of its negative effects. Plagiarists’misconduct simply mean “stealing” others’ intellectual and academicaccomplishments, which not only depreciates their own humanity but contaminatesthe climate of the academic circle. Academic falsification is like an epidemicdisease that spreads fast and will destroy the healthy development of academicstudies. What’s worse, these plagiarists have set a very disreputable exampleto the younger generation.

  So what attitude should we hold towards it? From my point of view, weshould resolutely battle against this ill phenomenon. Education of moralityshould be strengthened among the scholars and students. Those who steal others’academic achievements should be given severe punishment whenever they arespotted. If necessary, we can resort to the law to protect the interest of theoriginal writer and inventor. We must recognize that fighting againstplagiarism requires our persistent efforts.


  The Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar.People always eat rice dumplings and watch dragon boat races to celebrate it.


  The festival is best known for its dragon-boat races,especially in the southern places where there are many rivers and lakes. It is very popular.


  The rice dumpling is made of glutinous rice,meat and so on. You can eat different kinds of rice dumplings. They are very delicious.


  And Dragon Boat Festival is for Qu Yuan. He is an honest minister who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river.


  Overall, the Dragon Boat Festival is very interesting!






